This PCI solution delivers you the lowest cost Flash SSD capacity, with drop in comvenience.
We have tested this in our own data center using an IMAP/SMTP mail server with about 11gb a day of incoming mail, and a total mail database of approximately 52gb in a 64gb flash space. At a free space level of approximately 22% free space, we are getting average wear efficiency on the mail server of about 35 percent, and the application has a projected wear life of 22 years.
The installation in this case consists of 2 cards each with a pair of 32gb flash cards on them, mirrored. Performance has been superb. The device, which replaced mirrored 7200 rpm drives, delivers about 2200 8kb reads per card node, or about 8,800 random reads all together. The write rate is spread over 2 cards, and amounts to about 5,000 8kb random writes a second. More detailed performance results, per chip, are shown at the bottom of this page. |